Thursday, 8 December 2022

Fwd: 2023 CBS Reunion Advance Notice

From our founder Dennis Duggan:-

After discussions between Brian, Frank, John and myself we reached a difficult decision regarding the future of our annual reunions.
I have always resisted suggestions we open up our membership to post-1976 pupils, because after that date the school we knew ceased to exist.  It was no longer a boys' grammar school, it was a mixed comprehensive.  It was an excellent school, but not OUR school.
The downside was that inevitably Wyvernians would have a finite life.  Our membership is mainly elderly, many now with mobility and/or other health-related problems.  We are scattered throughout the UK and the wider world, and more and more of us are finding travel difficult.
New members are few and far between, and sadly our numbers diminish every year.  So we are now reaching the point where our traditional reunions at Clarence House will no longer be viable.

March 18th 2023 will mark the end of a twenty-four year tradition (with gaps for 2021 and 2022 courtesy of the Covid pandemic) and we want to go out with a bang rather than the inevitable whimper!

Official invitations will be sent in January, but in the meantime please make a note of the date.  Let's make it a reunion to remember.  To paraphrase Shakespeare, 'Gentlemen safe abed in England will think themselves accursed they were not there.'

On a positive note, the popular occasional mid-week lunches (in the Clarence House restaurant) will continue to take place on a regular basis.

Monday, 5 September 2022

A new Facebook Group for pupils who started at CBS in 1973.

A new Facebook Group has been created by ex pupil Mick Howell (CBS 73-80) & others specifically for those pupils who started at CBS in 1973. If you wish to join the group, you can get to it in one of two ways:

Friday, 2 September 2022

Wyvernians Reunion 2022 Lunch - 2

After the success of the informal Wyvernians Lunch in March of this year we have, as promised, arranged another Lunch in the restaurant at Clarence House on Wednesday 12th October. As before, this will just be a lunch – no memorabilia, no speeches, no AGM – just the opportunity to have lunch and chat with fellow Wyvernians. We appreciate that those who live a long way away will probably not be able to attend, but hopefully this local gathering will at least keep the momentum going until next year's full Reunion. Age UK should again be able to let us have exclusive use of the annex room which is off the main restaurant, but this depends on the numbers attending.
So, the date is Wednesday 12th October, meeting in the restaurant about 12.15 to 12.30 pm. Age UK would like to have a rough idea of numbers and menu choices in advance, so they will let us know which choices will be available on the 12th October menu approximately 2 weeks before that date, and I will circulate these to
those who have registered their interest. There is usually a good choice which will include a vegetarian option, and we will just pay on the day.
We need to know numbers as soon as possible so if you are up for another convivial lunch please let me know as soon as possible – booking is essential as numbers will
be limited to about 30-35 maximum. Preferably contact me by email.
My mobile is 07770 413228 if needed. If at a later date
you find that you are unable to attend, then please let me know.
Brian Screaton

Wednesday, 16 February 2022

Fwd: Wyves 2022 Reunion Lunch

Wyvernians 2022 Lunch

For those of you suffering from withdrawal symptoms due to the cancellation of the Reunion, we have arranged an informal Lunch in the restaurant at Clarence House on Wednesday 30th March. This will just be a lunch – no memorabilia, no speeches, no AGM – just the opportunity to have lunch and chat with fellow Wyvernians. 

We appreciate that those who live a long way away will probably not be able to attend, but we thought that even just a local gathering would keep the momentum going. Age UK should be able to let us have exclusive use of the annex room to gather in, which is off the main restaurant, but this depends on the numbers attending.

So, the date is Wednesday 30th March, meeting in the restaurant annex room at about 12.15pm. Age UK would like to have a rough idea of numbers and menu choices in advance, so they will let us know the choices that will be available on the 30th March menu approximately 2 weeks before that date, and I will circulate these to those who have registered their interest. There is usually a good choice which will include a vegetarian option, and we will just pay on the day.

We need to know numbers as soon as possible so if you are up for a convivial lunch please let me know as soon as possible – it is best to email me so that I can email the menu to you when it arrives. If you need to call me my mobile is 07770 413228. 

Should you find at a later date that you are unable to attend, then please let me know.

Brian Screaton (Wyvernians Treasurer)

Friday, 4 February 2022

2022 Reunion Cancellation

Subject: CBS Reunion Cancellation
Here's an important message from our founder

Dear Fellow Wyvernians,

Given the ongoing uncertain virus situation, we have regretfully decided the reunion planned for March 19th is not a viable option and is therefore cancelled.

Hopefully normal service will be resumed if and when things return to normal!

Dennis J Duggan

*** STOP PRESS! *** We are exploring the possibility of holding an informal mid week get-together for a meal in the Clarence House restaurant. If it proceeds participants will order and pay for their food on the day. More details will follow  *** WATCH THIS SPACE! ***