Friday, 4 September 2020

A bound copy of Andy Marlow's book

Dennis has been presented with a wonderful gift from former pupil Ed Featherstone (59-66) - a one-off bound copy of Andy Marlow's history of the school. Dennis promises to bring it along to the next reunion.
To see the book in all its glory  CLICK/TAP HERE

Wednesday, 2 September 2020

CBS Book on ebay Sept 2020

For anyone interested in obtaining a copy of Andy Marlow's book on the history of the school (published in 2012 and now out of print). A copy is currently for sale on ebay, being sold by the BHF in Leeds. We will be happy to bid for it on behalf of anyone who doesn't use eBay. Here is the ebay link (Please note that due to unforeseen circumstances, the download version of the book has been withdrawn from sale)