Thursday, 26 November 2020

Fwd: Free Indian Takeaway now on BBC Sounds

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Free Indian Takeaway now on BBC Sounds
Date: Wed, 25 Nov 2020 12:05:59 +0000
From: Bharat Patel <>

Indian Takeaway is now available on BBC Sounds as an audiobook. Just click and play the link below. If you have problems with the link let me know.

Please feel free to forward the link to others - although the audiobook is free it contains only 9,000 words. The book has 70,000 and all profits from each sale go to the Hope Against Cancer Research charity in Leicester. 

Anyone who wants to buy the book can google the charity or contact me directly. It makes an excellent door stopper and it's cheaper than the current Amazon Prime model!


Bharat Patel
07836 523769

A B Media books
Indian Takeaway  - an eight-year old finds himself living on his third continent
and Dogs Delight - a darkly comic tale
To buy please email us. All profits from Indian Takeaway go to Hope Against Cancer.


Tuesday, 27 October 2020

Ex CBS pupil Joe Melia

An interesting article about former CBS pupil and renowned thespian, the late Joe Melia has appeared on our Facebook page. To view it CLICK/TAP HERE 

Note you do not need a Facebook account to view the article. A pop-up will ask you to sign in to Facebook - but there should be a "Not Now" option. However non-members cannot view the video clip.

Wednesday, 14 October 2020

2021 Proposed Reunion

In view of current circumstances we have decided to postpone the 2021 reunion until later in the year. We have provisionally booked 18th September 2021 in the usual place. Further details will be announced when known

Friday, 4 September 2020

A bound copy of Andy Marlow's book

Dennis has been presented with a wonderful gift from former pupil Ed Featherstone (59-66) - a one-off bound copy of Andy Marlow's history of the school. Dennis promises to bring it along to the next reunion.
To see the book in all its glory  CLICK/TAP HERE

Wednesday, 2 September 2020

CBS Book on ebay Sept 2020

For anyone interested in obtaining a copy of Andy Marlow's book on the history of the school (published in 2012 and now out of print). A copy is currently for sale on ebay, being sold by the BHF in Leeds. We will be happy to bid for it on behalf of anyone who doesn't use eBay. Here is the ebay link (Please note that due to unforeseen circumstances, the download version of the book has been withdrawn from sale)

Monday, 31 August 2020

History of CBS book - Digital Download

Due to unforeseen technical problems it will no longer be possible to download a digital copy of Andy Marlow's book.

We are looking for an alternative solution.

Watch this space!

Sunday, 22 March 2020

2020 Reunion

On the Thursday leading up to the Reunion, following the PM's announcement, it was decided by all concerned that the Reunion should go ahead. It was another success. A full report will appear in our next newsletter. Photos of the event are now on our Facebook page. To view them CLICK/TAP HERE (Note you do not need to be a member of Facebook to see the photos). Our thanks to everyone who came - including our speaker Bharat Patel, who kept us enthralled and entertained with his potted autobiography (his book on the same subject "Indian Takeaway" is still on sale - with ALL proceeds going to the Hope Against Cancer charity - see their website for details of how to obtain your copy). Thanks also to John Hames for his help on the day - stepping in at short notice to help with setting up, packing away (& taking a few photos which are on our Facebook page). Once again Age UK Leicestershire did us proud with the catering and arrangements on the day. Our special thanks go to Antony Foster (Age UK's man on the ground) who has given us tremendous support over the years with our reunions. He is moving on to pastures new. Finally a big thank you to Stephanie, who puts in a lot of work on our behalf behind the scenes as well as running the raffle on the day.

Friday, 20 March 2020

Panoramic Photos

Following a request at the 2020 Reunion, the 1976 panoramic photo is now available online Since then a number of others have also been added.

To see the full list CLICK/TAP HERE to view

Tuesday, 17 March 2020

Humberstone Gate Buildings

An article by Graham Hulme and Brian Buchanan about the Humberstone Gate buildings can be found in the Other Documents section of the Memorabilia page. CLICK/TAP HERE to go to it (note scroll down quite a way to get to the document in question)

Saturday, 29 February 2020

Bernard Wilkowski

To see the fascinating item about former teacher Bernard Wilkowski (that was the basis of Bob Childs talk at the 2019 reunion) CLICK/TAP HERE

Friday, 21 February 2020

2020 Reunion Apologies

To see the list of those people who notified us that they will not be attending this year's reunion CLICK/TAP HERE 

Thursday, 30 January 2020

2020 Reunion

To see who has booked so far to attend this year's reunion click/tap HERE

Tuesday, 14 January 2020

Newsletter 105 - January 2020

The latest newsletter is now available via the Newsletter tab on the Home page - or go straight to it HERE


Friday, 3 January 2020

2020 Reunion

Full details of our 23rd reunion - due to take place on 14/3/20 - are available on the Reunions page. See the details HERE.